NATIONAL DAY 共谱盛世华章 针对即将到来的国庆假期,教育部通知要求各地教育部门和学校要从严落实校园疫情防控措施,持续完善应急处置机制,认真做好国庆假期疫情防控和留校师生服务保障工作。
教育部应对新冠肺炎疫情工作领导小组办公室主任王登峰表示,从目前来看整个教育系统我们18岁以上的师生员工这个疫苗两针的接种率已经超过了95%,12到17岁也是这样的一个情况,目前在全国范围内大概是91%的样子。要鼓励大家做好宣传说服引导的工作,让大家去做好这个疫苗的接种。但我们同时也讲另外一句话,就是不能把是否接种疫苗作为入学或者其他行动方面的限制。 王登峰表示,国庆马上就要来临了,那么从某种意义上来讲,可能大家都有点松懈。这个时候我们也提醒,非必要不离开当地,鼓励广大师生就地过节。 For the upcoming National Day holiday, the Ministry of Education has ordered local education departments and schools to strictly implement epidemic prevention and control measures on campus, continuously improve the emergency response mechanism, and do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, as well as providing services for teachers and students. Local education departments and schools should strictly implement campus epidemic prevention and control measures, adhere to the prevention and control of people, materials and environment and multiple diseases, consolidate the responsibility of prevention and control, and earnestly implement health monitoring of teachers and students after the start of the semester, the circular said. Large indoor gathering activities will be strictly controlled. Strengthen campus sanitation and key places to eliminate the environment. On the premise of "in accordance with laws and regulations, informed, consenting and voluntary", we shall cooperate with relevant authorities in the novel Coronavirus vaccination work of qualified teachers and students. Wang Dengfeng, director of the COVID-19 response Leading group office of the Ministry of Education, said that the two-dose vaccination rate for teachers, students and staff aged 18 and above has exceeded 95%, for those aged 12 to 17, the vaccination rate is about 91% nationwide. We should encourage everyone to do a good job of propaganda, persuasion and guidance, so that everyone to do a good job of this vaccine vaccination. But we also say that vaccination should not be used as a restriction on school attendance or other activities. 'National Day is coming, so in a sense, maybe everyone is a little relaxed,' Mr. Wang said. At this time, we also remind you not to leave the local area unless necessary, and encourage teachers and students to celebrate the festival nearby. STAY IN THE LOCAL AREA IN NATIONAL DAY 倡导师生就地过节 ● 坚持非必要、不出行,减少人员流动;如必须出行需提前了解目的地疫情形势,服从当地疫情防控要求,错峰出行、做好防护。 ● Students and teachers are encouraged not to travel during the national day holiday in order to reduce personnel risk; If you have to travel, you need to know the epidemic situation of the destination in advance, obey the local epidemic prevention and control requirements, and travel at different peak times and take good protection. PREPARE FOR 2 THINGS IF YOU HAVE TO TRAVEL 如需出行 做好两个准备 ● 一是要准备充足的免洗手消毒液、消毒湿巾、口罩等,这是必需的防护用品。二是出行前要做自我和随行人员的健康状况评估,如果有不适症状,可能就不适合做旅行安排,或者缩短旅行的行程。 ● There are two things to prepare for before you travel. First, adequate hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, masks and other necessary protective equipment should be prepared. Second, before going out, you should do a health assessment of yourself and your entourage. If you have any discomfort symptoms, it may not be suitable for you to make travel arrangements or shorten the journey. PAY ATTENTION TO PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 乘坐公共交通工具要注意 ● 如飞机、高铁、公交车、公共汽车等,在公交工具上要做好个人防护,戴口罩,保持手卫生。二是在游玩旅行中,要注意保持距离,如果近距离人多,一定要戴口罩,包括在一些通风不好的地方,比如上公共卫生间时,都要注意戴好口罩。 ●such as planes, high-speed trains, buses, etc., prepare for personal protection on public transportation, wear masks, keep hand hygiene. If there are many people in close distance, you must wear a mask, including in some places with poor ventilation, such as when going to a public toilet. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR PHYSICAL CONDITION 注意观察自己的身体状况 ● 如果出现不适,有发烧或者头疼,不适合继续旅行,那就终止或取消旅行,避免症状加重,病情加重。 ●If you feel unwell, have a fever or headache and are not fit to continue your trip, terminate or cancel your trip to avoid worsening your symptoms and illness. KEEP A HEALTHY AND SIMPLE LIFESTYLE 倡导健康、简约的生活方式
● 节日期间尽量不扎堆、不聚集,尽量避免前往人员密集的公共场所,提倡家庭聚餐聚会控制在10人以下。 ● During the festival, try not to gather in groups, try to avoid going to crowded public places, Keep the family dinner party to control less than 10 people. HaiCheng 官网|www.haichengjiaoyu.com Email|haicheng@haichengjiaoyu.com |