面对不断变化的未来,人们对全方位发展的需求越来越强烈。家长和老师们越来越关注如何才能提升孩子的独特竞争优势,让他们能在日新月异的世界中掌握主动权。 In the face of a changing future, There is a growing demand for all-round devllopment. Parents are increasingly concerned about how to To enhance their children's unique competitive advantage, To keep them on top of things in a changing world. 今天,来自海成教育的资深STEAM外教就在他的课堂上使用寓学于乐的教学方式,鼓励学生们动手实践,让他们更具创造性的解决问题! Today, the senior STEAM teacher from Haicheng Education uses the teaching method of combining learning with fun in his class to encourage students to practice and solve problems more creatively! STEAM课程回顾 Jan. STEAM 在今天的STEAM课程中,孩子们积极参与,创造了很多的优秀作品。从孩子们积极活动的身影和多样化的作品中可以看出孩子们喜欢并愿意参与STEAM课程,也为课堂后续的开展打了一针强心剂。 在外教讲课进行过程中,孩子们对课程展现出了极其浓厚的兴趣,对于海成的STEAM老师而言,全新的教学环境,全新的教学挑战,他也作出了巨大的努力来根据不同的学情调整教学内容,尽可能地为学生带去富有创新和生动有趣的STEAM课堂内容。 In today's STEAM class, the children actively participated and produced many excellent works. From the active figures and diversified works of the children, we can see that the children like and are willing to participate in the STEAM course, which is also a strong shot for the subsequent development of the class. In the STEAM in the process of the curriculum, the children showed extremely strong interest of course, for the STEAM hai-cheng yu teacher, brand-new teaching environment, new challenge of teaching, he also made great efforts to adjust the teaching according to different learning content, as much as possible for the students to innovative and STEAM content class lively and interesting. ✦✦ STEAM颁奖仪式 Jan. STEAM 在外教的创意教学与学生的热情配合下,我们今天的STEAM课堂也圆满落幕。在课后,小朋友们与外教共同参与颁奖仪式,学校也对我们海成STEAM外教今天的表现给予肯定与赞扬。 With the creative teaching of foreign teachers and the enthusiastic cooperation of students, today's STEAM class also came to a successful conclusion. After class, the children and foreign teachers participated in the award ceremony, and the school also gave recognition and praise to our STEAM foreign teachers today. 在国际大环境下,steam课程课开展项目化学习的意识无疑是一条重要的道路,学校要充分发挥优势,展示课堂特色。同时,对于学生而言,要把“作业”变成“作品”,steam课程为他们带来的不是负担,而是成就和成长! In the international environment, the project learning consciousness of STEAM courses is undoubtedly an important way, and the school should give full play to its advantages and show its classroom characteristics. At the same time, for students to turn their "homework" into "work", steam courses offer achievement and growth instead of burden! STEAM “双减”政策,减去了繁重的学科辅导,充实了素质素养的春天。海成教育作为业内STEAM教育的先行者,以科学严谨的课程体系,高素质的专业教师团队,为孩子们打造“最自信”的未来! "Double reduction" policy, minus the heavy subject guidance, enrich the quality of the future. As the pioneer of STEAM education in the industry, Haicheng Education creates the "most confident" future for children with its scientific and rigorous curriculum system and high-quality professional teacher team. HaiCheng Email|haicheng@haichengjiaoyu.com 电话|0571-86758565 |