2024 Hai Cheng Education Annual Meeting Ends Successfully: Gathering Together, Creating the Future Together
![]() 2024年12月28日,海成教育五周年年会在热烈的掌声和欢声笑语中完美落幕。本次年会主题为“团结、感恩与展望”,不仅是对过去一年工作的总结与肯定,更是展望未来、凝聚团队力量的重要时刻。 On December 28, 2024, the fifth anniversary annual ceremony of HaiCheng Education was concluded in warm applause and laughter. The theme of this annual meeting is “Unity, Gratitude and Prospect”, which not only summarizes and affirms the work of the past year, but also looks forward to the future, and is an important moment to unite the strength of the team 签到环节 年会在热闹的签到仪式中拉开序幕。外籍教师与海成总部员工一起签到并在合影墙前拍照留念,成为年会第一道亮丽的风景线。现场还为每位签到者准备了小礼物,让人感受到满满的诚意与节日气氛。 The annual ceremony began with a lively check-in ceremony. Foreign teachers and HaiCheng headquarter staff signed in together and took pictures in front of the group photo wall, which became the first bright scenery of the annual meeting. The site also prepared a small gift for each sign-in, let people feel full of sincerity and festive atmosphere. 年会晚宴 在丰盛的晚宴上,海成教育新老员工们举杯共庆一年来的辛勤付出。中西结合的菜肴不仅满足了大家的味蕾,还体现了公司对多元文化的尊重。外籍教师们热情参与,品尝中国传统美食,感受到年会的独特魅力。 During the dinner, attendees raised their glasses to celebrate the year’s achievements. The menu featured a mix of Chinese and Western dishes, showcasing cultural diversity and catering to all tastes. Foreign teachers enjoyed sampling traditional Chinese delicacies, adding a unique flavor to the celebration. 颁奖典礼 年会的亮点之一是颁奖环节。 本次颁奖典礼两大奖项——Dedication Award(敬业奖) 和 Unity in Adversity Award(患难与共奖)。 Dedication Award(敬业奖) 表彰了那些一年来在岗位上全力以赴、尽职尽责的员工和外教。 Unity in Adversity Award(患难与共奖) 则颁发给在困难时期依然团结一致、支持团队的优秀代表。 The awards ceremony was the centerpiece of the evening, featuring two meaningful honors: Dedication Award: Presented to employees and foreign teachers who demonstrated exceptional professionalism and commitment in their roles. Unity in Adversity Award: Recognizing individuals who stood united with their team and showed unwavering support during challenging times. 才艺互动 才艺表演和互动游戏成为了年会的亮点。外籍教师们带来的独唱表演掀起了全场的高潮,赢得了热烈的掌声。紧接而来的互动游戏进一步活跃了现场气氛,在欢声笑语中增进了团队的默契与凝聚力。 The talent show and interactive games were among the highlights of the gala. A foreign teacher's performance of a classic Chinese song brought the audience to a climax, earning enthusiastic applause. The following interactive games kept the energy high, fostering teamwork and strengthening bonds in a joyful atmosphere. 抽奖与大合影 激动人心的抽奖环节为年会画上了完美的句号。丰富的奖品让幸运者喜笑颜开,也为整个团队增添了几分热闹与欢庆。最后,全体员工和外籍教师齐聚舞台,拍摄大合影,用镜头记录下这个美好的夜晚。 The raffle draw added an extra layer of excitement, with prizes that delighted lucky winners from both staff and foreign teachers. The event concluded with a group photo, capturing the joy and unity of the Haicheng family, and leaving everyone with cherished memories of the night. ![]() ![]() 官网|www.haichengjiaoyu.com Email|haicheng@haichengjiaoyu.com 电话|0571-86758565 Job Inquiries|15381137130 外教需求业务合作: 来老师|13516871924 王老师|18758071637 |