Feedback from our lovely teachers in HaiCheng Education

2025-03-17 05:10

The staff at Haicheng Education where of immense help in transitioning me to my work and life in Hangzhou. Their knowledge of the visa application process ensured a smooth and speedy visa transition and was delighted how they took the time to set up living arrangements and find housing. They are always ready to help you out when anything concerting arises and really do go above and beyond to make your new life in Hangzhou as fun and convenient as possible. With Haicheng you are not just treated as a teacher but as a part of the family!

I am amazed by their intense dedication to their work and how they do not rest until all parties they deal with whether it be the teacher or the school are satisfied. Haicheng takes care of all the hard things so you can do what you love which is teaching!
